
Binfield Surgery

Binfield Surgery, Wood Lane, Binfield, RG42 4EX.

Telephone 01344 286264

Protected Learning Time (PLT) Closure

Thursday, 13 April 2023

This surgery will be closed for Protected Learning time.

Protected Learning time is about the surgery providing the very best care for our patients.

The next Educational event is on Tuesday 25th April  when the Surgery will close from 12:30. The Surgery will then re-open on Wednesday 26th April from 08:00.

When the surgery is closed

Out of hours will be covering our patients between 12:30 and 18:30 so if you require a Doctor in an emergency please ring this number: 03000240005

After 18:30 if you require urgent medical assistance which cannot wait until the surgery reopens, please ring 111.

Calls to the NHS 111 service are free from both landlines and mobiles. If you have a life threatening emergency then please ring 999.