
Binfield Surgery

Binfield Surgery, Wood Lane, Binfield, RG42 4EX.

Telephone 01344 286264

Klinik – New Consultation System

Monday, 31 October 2022

We are very pleased to announce the introduction of a new system called Klinik for our online consultation provision at Binfield Surgery. This is an online service for appointments and administration for on the day urgent, non-urgent medical advice, long term condition management and enquiries. This therefore makes it possible for patients to contact us from a computer, smartphone or tablet through our practice website rather than relying solely on the phone.

Based on the information confidentially provided by the user, clinical enquiries are reviewed by a clinician and are then routed to the appropriate team within the surgery, or patients are advised by the system to call emergency services where necessary. Ideally, but not essentially, you should use your NHS App log in to access the system, meaning you won’t have to enter your personal details each time you want to ask us something. This service is open for online submissions between 8am and 4pm Monday to Friday and we aim to review all clinical enquiries, prioritised by urgency, on the same working day although we may not contact you the same day. From 4pm to 6:30pm you can continue to access the surgery by telephone.

For further information on how to access Klinik please visit: Patient FAQs (klinikhealthcaresolutions.com) where there is also the opportunity to provide feedback directly to the provider.

With demand for medical advice and appointments continuing to be very high, we are always seeking innovations and new ways of working to provide the best service we can to our patients. We thank you for your understanding and patience during times of change, and ask for your continued kindness and respect to all our staff.